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We have a letter from a friend. A very inspiring letter that most of us will actually relate to. Boyfriends often cheated. Read this letter and be grateful of what you are going through. 

Dear Love Life Diaries,

I am with this boyfriend for 4 years. When we started we are good. But in the middle of our relationship he was a bit aloof. I suspected that he have other girls. Then for my further observation he had been communicating with his exes. I didn't know when or how it started but I was really devastated. I confronted him and I told him I don't like what he is doing. He understood and more often I realize he is hiding from me. I let it pass. Until one day, he would shout or hurt me verbally. I was totally hurt. He wanted to ditch me off. I cried then he will just say sweet words to me and I don't get mad anymore. Then I learned he's been seeing a new girl. I was really hurt. I cry myself to sleep. I was crying because I felt I would have been too clingy of him. He broke up with me because of my dramas. I begged and cry it out. But he is already decided. I left. Sometimes I check about him, if he is okay. I get to ask some friends. I was so happy that it ended. I never been this happy and successful with my career if I still have him. I want to thank him for letting me go. I learn something from him, he has all the quality of someone I should not have. 

Most of the time things happen for a reason. There are always reasons. You should be patient enough and go on with your life. It will turn out to be a good one. Just be grounded and never think of revenge. It will ruin you and your reputation.



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In kissing a girl whose experience with osculation is limited, it is a good thing to work up to the kissing of the lips. Only an arrant fool seizes hold of such a girl, when they are comfortably seated on the sofa, and suddenly shoves his face into hers and smacks her lips.

Naturally, the first thing he should do is to arrange it so that the girl is seated against the arm of the sofa while he is seated at her side. In this way, she cannot edge away from him when he becomes serious in his attentions. This done, on some pretext or another, such as a gallant attempt to adjust the cushions behind her, he manages to insinuate his arm, first around the back of the sofa and then, gradually, around her shoulders. If she flinches, don't worry.


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We teach courses all over the world and have discovered that whatever the culture, whatever the language, people often don’t really, truly listen. Listening is usually perceived as a passive act, but we have discovered that when “true listening” is present, satisfying communication is sure to follow. This is devoted to the art of listening. If you discover those things that keep you from listening, you will simultaneously discover many of the things that get in your way in relationships and in day-to-day interactions. If you learn the art of
listening, you will become more effective, productive, and satisfied in all aspects of your life.

True listening is not something that we have been taught growing up in our families, amongst our friends, or in school.

True listening requires being in the moment. It also requires letting go of your point of view, your thoughts, and your agendas. True listening is an art.

Have you ever examined whether or not you are truly listening? Have you identified what inhibits your ability to actually hear what another person is saying with the intention of seeing what he or she means from his or her point of view? What we are talking about here is a self-education program.

First you must have the desire to discover how you listen and interact with your life from a nonjudgmental point of view. It is not about trying to change or fix what you notice in the self-examination of your behavioral patterns. If you just notice how you are relating to your life, that in itself is enough to complete previously
disturbing patterns of behavior. Frequently, no other actions are needed.